Be A Servant

“Do you want to stand out? Then step down. Be a servant. Matthew 23:11 (MSG) 


In this day and age we find many running to the forefront, desiring to be known for their great deeds. Everyone wants to be recognized and counted among the great men and women of history. Unfortunately as a society, we have it all wrong.

As we search the scriptures, we find it was never the ones that put their accolades on display that were counted great by God, the Father. Nor was it the ones that demanded a place of authority. God said the greatest among you will be your servant.

Jesus was our ultimate example of a humble servant. Even though he walked the earth as God in the flesh, he counted it not robbery to wash the feet of His disciples.  His service did not stop there, scripture also tells us of a time where he prepared breakfast for his followers. His greatest act of service was laying down His life for a people that did not receive Him. A people that shunned Him, crucified Him; yet He sacrificed His very life for the remission of our sins.

Upon leaving the earth, His command to us was greater works shall you do. Take a moment today and consider how you can serve those you encounter on today. Do not let the service and the sacrifice of Jesus die at Calvary. Let us keep a servant’s heart in our everyday walk that men may see our good works and glorify our Lord.

Father, it is not often we take the time to consider others before ourselves. We go about our daily routines trying to accomplish our goals and live life to its fullest. Today, I pray we will take notice of those around us that are in need of the gifts, abilities, or resources You have blessed us with. I pray that we will walk in the humility of Jesus and serve with a pure heart those that we encounter today. May your love and compassion flow freely from us as we become servants of our fellowman. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Take action: Study the examples of Jesus servanthood during His walk on Earth. Make a note of ways you can serve those around you on a daily basis.

Grace and Peace,


© Mary Pinckney, December 2015

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4 Comments Add yours

  1. Mary, thanks for such a wonderful reminder about being a servant. You are a living example of one who is following in the foot steps of Jesus.


    1. Blessings to you!


  2. Barbara says:

    Mary, thanks for the wonderful reminder about being a servant. You surely are a living example of one who is following in the foot steps of Jesus.


    1. Thank you Barbara! It’s all about servanthood 😊


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