How do I know when what I am doing is wrong?

“You say, ‘I am allowed to do anything’—but not everything is good for you. And even though ‘I am allowed to do anything,’ I must not become a slave to anything.”– 1 CORINTHIANS 6:12 NLT


As a minister of the gospel, this question has been posed to me by many young believers as well as more mature believers. The question of morality is a big one nowadays. Especially in a society where many are doing what feels good rather than what is always right. Even as believers, we may still have evil desires lurking within us. The truth is, our spirit has been reborn, not this sinful flesh of ours.

On that note, how do we draw the line of morality? Although Christians still have free will, it is not to our advantage to do any and everything we choose.

Our scripture reference has been one of those verses I have often used to check my own behavior. “I must not become a slave of anything.” This statement sealed it for me.

I believe it is a great place to start when faced with a moral dilemma. Will I become a slave to what I begin to practice? Will it have control over me?

Of course, it will take us being honest about our own desires but in the end, prayerfully, it could be the compass that leads us to make the best choices. God did not design us to be controlled by sin. Jesus died so that we could be set free from the bondage of sin so, why would we allow ourselves to be entangled again?

Father, may I always take heed to my own ways and acknowledge you with my decisions so that you may lead me continually into freedom. I know that on my own I am prone to choose bondage, but you have already set me free from the cycle of sin and death. May I always choose righteously and not by my feelings. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Go Deeper — If you are struggling with any area of bondage, find an accountability partner that can pray with you and hold you accountable on your path to freedom.


Grace and Peace to you,

Mary ~ Your Breakthrough Coach


© Mary Pinckney, 2019

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